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Cup of Joy 2024

We are proud to share the results of our elite athletes during the Cup of Joy 2024:

2012 A
Alexandra Simon AA 1st place

2012 B 
ELisa Simon AA 3rd place
Daria Nenkova AA 1st place

2014 A
Szinta Deva Kristof AA 5th place

2014 B
Mariia Fomenko AA 8th place

Junior A
Paris Graas AA 1st place

Junior B

Angelina Bonnier AA 8th place

Our gratitude toward coach Nina Kolesnikova, judges Hristina Stoimenova-Nenkova and Olga Samotuga


Изображение WhatsApp 2024-11-23 в 20.19.29_951ff35d.jpg

7th Austrasian Cup 2024

During the same weekend as the World AGG Championship 2024 some athletes of our club have represented our club during the 7th Austrasian Cup 2024.

Big thanks to the coach Sania Nenkova and our young judge Aryna Mykolaievska for their support during the event!

2018 C
Eva Alisa Doskocinskaja 1st place

2016 C
Anna Reng 1st place
Nila Lambert 2nd place
Stefaniia Romaniuk 7th place

2015 A
Elizaveta Volkova AA 1st place
(Hoop 1st place, ball 1st place)
Daria Ananyeva AA 2nd place
(Hoop 2nd place, clubs 1st place)

2012 C-I
Laura Schaefer 5th place
2012 C-II
Valeriia Grudnitckaia 3rd place


World AGG Championship 2024

The challenging road to the World AGG Championship 2024 is over! We are incredibly proud of our Senior AGG team, their coach Rimma Anisimova, judge of the club Aliona Iampolskaia for their dedication, team-work and commitment for the magnificent result at the top-level tournament. Our 6 talented athletes have competed among the best aesthetic gymnastics teams and reached the finals where they got 12th place! 

Some days before the World Championship our team also participated in the Tartu Trophy where they reached 5th place. 

The excellent routine received a lot of positive comments from other teams, foreign coaches as well as from the administration of the IFAGG.

Congratulation to the team:
Simon Amandine
Magyar Adel
Zimniakova Elena
Panzone Alyssa
Bondareva Alona
Mykolaievska Taisiia

Coach Rimma Anisimova, judge Aliona Iampolskaia


DTL Bundesliga-Saison 2024 

DTL Bundesliga saison 2024 : Un rêve devient réalité ! 🌟

La saison de Bundesliga est terminée et l'équipe germano-luxembourgeoise RSG Trier a réalisé de grandes choses ! 💪🎉

Créée cette année, notre équipe a tout donné en 3ème Bundesliga et a été la seule équipe de relégation à décrocher une promotion en 2ème Bundesliga. 🚀👏 Avec une moyenne d'âge de seulement 12,7 ans, nous sommes également la plus jeune équipe de Bundesliga - un incroyable signe de talent, d'engagement et de solidarité ! 💫

La finale du week-end était une fin parfaite à une saison pleine de moments forts. Un bon début de DTL et une ascension fulgurante qui nous fait envisager la prochaine saison avec beaucoup d'impatience. 🌟❤️

Lorsque des inconnus deviennent amis, quelque chose de grand se produit : notre équipe transfrontalière montre que le sport connecte et crée de nouvelles choses. Ensemble, nous avons prouvé à quel point une communauté peut être forte ! 🙌

Merci à tous ceux qui nous ont soutenus – vous êtes le moteur de notre succès ! 🫶

Bravo a notre athlete Paris Graas (Top Scorer de tournoi!) et l'netraineuse Nina Kolesnikova pour le resultat magnifique




Tournament in memory of Honored Coach of the USSR L.G. Godieva 1-2/11/2024


During the school vacation a small team of Rythmo-Cats Luxembourg athletes has represented the club at the tournament in memory of Honored Coach of the USSR L.G. Godieva in Minsk. We thank the coach Nina Kolesnikova for her support during the competition.

2015 A All-around
Volkova Elizaveta 9th place
Hoop 8th place
Ball 7th place

2012 B All-around
Simon Alexandra 1st place

2011 A All-around
Graas Paris 3rd place
Hoop 3rd place
Clubs 2nd place



AGG Sofia 16th Academic Cup 1-3/11/2024

We are thrilled to share the results of our Senior AGG team. Last weekend they have competed in AGG Acedemic Cup in Sofia and presented their programm at first time of the season pointing out a remarkable result before the coming World AGG Championships at the end of November.

We are proud to congratulate the team, their coach Rimma Anisimova and a judge Aliona Iampolskaia for the 2nd place at the Senior AGG category:

Simon Amandine
Magyar Adel
Zimniakova Elena
Panzone Alyssa
Bondareva Alona
Mykolaievska Taisiia



Aspelt Gym Cup 19/10/2024

Recently a small team of our athletes has successfully performed at the competition "Aspelt Gym Cup 2024" at Frisange. We are proud to share with you their achievements:

2014 A Hoop
Szinta Deva Kristof 1st place

2012 B Hoop
Nenkova Daria 1st place
Simon Elisa 1st place


We wish you more successful starts and amazing performances. A big thanks to our coaches Nina Kolesnikova, Amel Kadri and Sania Nenkova and judges Aliona Iampolskaia and Ioulia Bonnier for their support of the young talents during this competition.


"SWIRL&TWIRL" International RG tournament

New season has begun! Our team of coaches together with the athletes are thrilled to compete again after the summer break and win the competitions. During the last weekend the International tournament "SWIRL&TWIRL" has united more than 160 gymnasts from all over the Globe: the USA, Croatia, Czech Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Australia, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Armenia, Austria and for sure our Luxembourg delegation. Together with our coach Nina Kolesnikova and a judge Aliona Iampolskaia our athletes have opened the season and new Olympic cycle in Rhythmic Gymnastics. We are proud of their incredible achievements as well as their first successful competition according to the new Code of Points in execution and artistry (as the judges have not yet completed their exams in the new CoP and only had the judge course before the event). We are happy to share their great results and wish this season to be plenty of new victories:

Senior New CoP (2008+)

Simon Amandine 6th place AA (hoop 1st place, ribbon 4th place)

Junior 2009 - New CoP

Magyar Adel 1st place AA (hoop 2nd place, clubs 1st place)

Junior 2011 - New CoP

Graas Paris 1st place AA (Hoop 1st place, ball 1st place, clubs 1st place, ribbon 1st place)

Pre-Junior 2012 B

Simon Elisa 1st place AA (hoop 1st place, clubs 1st place)

Cadets 2013 A

Kolesnikova Valeriia 1st place AA (hoop 1st place, ball 1st place, clubs 3rd place)

Baby 2015-2016 A

Ananyeva Daria 1st place AA (WA 1st place, hoop 2nd place, clubs 1st place)


IV edition of Grand Premium international 


#Rythmogirls traditionally conclude the season in warm & sunny Spain with the international competition in Platja D’Aro. This year it was the 4th edition of Grand Premium international competition.

This event united nearly 700 individual and group gymnasts from 35 countries from all over the world and was spread over multiple days. It was a truly international tournament in rhythmic gymnastics: indeed, almost all the continents were represented. In addition to traditional European participants we could enjoy the performance of representatives from Brazil Canada China Egypt Kuwait New Zealand Singapore UAE USA - to name just a few! And this is not yet everything The world level stars, Alina Harnasko, Anastasiia Salos and Nicole Liauta were enchanting both the public and the competing gymnasts with their mastery and skills. What an opportunity to watch & learn from the stars so closely ! The local organising committee secured a warm yet competitive atmosphere in beautiful surroundings with a respected schedule. Thank you so much for making this event so remarkable

Our gymnasts demonstrated composure and strong routines in this highly competitive environment. We congratulate the girls and the coaches Nina Kolesnikova Ekaterina Kalinina Aliona Bondareva and thank them for their hard work and dedication. Our sincere appreciation to the judges, Aliona Iampolskaia & Ioulia Bonnier, who were defending Luxembourg athletes in the jury being on duty throughout this long event.

We are proud to say that our girls stood out in the field with their results and also received special awards from the organisers: Amandine was crowned as Miss Tournament and Michelle was awarded the prize of Miss Elegance .


Category 2015 A

Elizaveta Volkova

All around 1st place

Hoop 1st place

Ball 1st place

Category 2013 A

Valeriia Kolesnikova

All around 1st place

Hoop 1st place

Ball 2nd place

Clubs 1st place

Category 2012 A

Alexandra Simon

All around 2nd place

Hoop 9th place

Ball 1st place

Clubs 3rd place

Category 2012 B

Daria Nenkova

All around 5th place

Hoop 2nd place

Clubs 7th place

Elisa Simon

Hoop 3rd place

Category 2011 A

Paris Graas

All around 4th place

Hoop 4th place

Ball 5th place

Clubs 2nd place

Category Junior 2010-2009 B

Angelina Bonnier

All around 5th place

Hoop 7th place

Ball 5th place

Clubs 6th place

Category Senior A

Amandine Simon

All around 10th place

Finals: hoop 7th , ball 4th , clubs 5th , ribbon 4th

Category Senior B

Taisiia Mykolaievska

All around 5th place

Hoop 6th place

Ball 2nd place

Clubs 8th place

Michelle Schaack

All around 7th place

Hoop 8th place

Ball 4th place

Clubs 7th place


National individual championship in RG 2024

Le 15 juin a été une journée très émouvante pour les gymnastes luxembourgeoises, car ce jour-là a eu lieu le championnat national de gymnastique rythmique dans le programme individuel. Cette compétition fait partie du programme officiel de la FLGym.

60 gymnastes se sont rassemblées sous le toit du gymnase à Belair, du plus jeunes, nées en 2017, au plus âgées, de 16 ans et plus. Chacune des filles présentait de 1 à 4 enchaînements au concours général.

Rythmo-Cats club était représenté par 12 athlètes. Nos gymnastes ont concouru dans 10 de 18 catégories du programme des championnats; ces catégories sont reparties selon l'âge et l'intensité de l'entraînement.

Dans chaque de catégorie ou nos filles ont concouru, elles ont réussi de monter sur le podium et au totale l'équipe a remporté 9 médailles d'or, 2 d'argent et 1 de bronze ! Bravo à toutes!!!!

Ce résultat extraordinaire n'a été possible que grâce au dévouement incroyable de chaque membre de notre équipe.

Nous félicitons sincèrement les gymnastes qui ont donné leur maximum pendant l'année, les entraîneurs et chorégraphes qui ont préparé les athlètes avec consistance pour cette compétition importante, ainsi que les juges qui ont représenté les intérêts de nos athlètes dans le jury tout au long de la saison.

Nous remercions Ecole de GRS Luxembourg d’avoir accueilli cet évènement et félicitons toutes les participantes de leurs achèvements.

Catégorie 2015 A

Elizaveta Volkova 1st place

Catégorie 2015 B

Daria Anayeva 2nd place

Catégorie 2014 B

Mariia Fomenko 1st place

Catégorie 2013 A

Valeriia Kolesnikova 1st place

Catégorie 2012 A

Alexandra Simon 1st place

Catégorie 2012 B

Daria Nenkova 1st place

Catégorie 2011 A

Paris Graas 1st place

Catégorie Junior 2010-2009 B

Angelina Bonnier 1st place

Maia Mihu 2nd place

Catégorie Senior A

Amandine Simon 3rd place

Catégorie Senior B

Taisiia Mykolaevska 1st place

Michelle Schaack 2nd place


Happy Trophy 2024


We are pleased to share the results of #rythmogirls at #HappyTrophy that took part in Brussels last weekend June 1-2, thanks to the efforts of Happy Gym Anderlecht organising committee.

Our gymnasts were accompanied by #Rythmocats president Aliona Iampolskaia and coach Maria Sviatko. We thank them sincerely for the support and encouragement.

Mini A (2014-2015)

Ananyeva Daria

AA 5th place

WA 4th place

Hoop 5th place

Hopes II A 2012

Simon Alexandra

AA 2nd place

Hoop 2nd place

Clubs 1st place

Nenkova Daria

AA 3rd place

Hoop 3rd place

Ball 2nd place

Mini B (2014-2015)

Fomenko Mariia

AA 1st place

WA 1st place

Hoop 1st place

Junior B

Mihu Maia

AA 2nd place

Hoop 3rd place

Clubs 1st place

Mykolaievska Taisiia and Schaack Michelle presented their routines out of competition.


Grand Duchy Cup 2024

May 11th was rich on sports events, one of which was Grand Duchy Cup organized by Aspelt Gym Academy. This event attracted gymnasts of various levels of preparation from neighbouring countries. Rythmo-Cats team

Many thanks to the #rythmoteam for the support and dedication: Nina Kolesnikova, Ekaterina Kalinina, Amel Kadri, Ioulia Bonnier, Hristina Stoimenova, Inga Stafeeva, Alona Bondareva, Aryna Mykolaevska & Sania Nenkova

Let’s celebrate the success of the #rythmogirls with the collection of the podium places and special prizes from the organisers awarded to Daria Ananyeva and Valeriia Kolesnikova

moments by Alexander Kostowetzky

Category 2016 C

Anna Reng 2nd place

Nila Lambert 3rd place

Stefaniia Romaniuk 9th place

Category 2015 A

Elizaveta Volkova 1st place

Daria Anayeva 2nd place

Category 2015 C

Alejandra Lucero 6th place

Category 2014 B

Mariia Fomenko 1st place

Category 2014 C

Julia Berkhoff 2nd place

Category 2013 A

Valeriia Kolesnikova 1st place

Category 2013 C

Alisa Teho 1st place

Carlota Lucero 4th place

Adele Gudmundsdottir 6th place

Category 2012 A

Alexandra Simon 1st place

Category 2012 B

Daria Nenkova 1st place

Elisa Simon 2nd place

Category 2012 C

Kyra Pashko 1st place

Valeriia Grudnitskaia 2nd place

Category 2011 A

Paris Graas 1st place

Category Junior 2010 A

Angelina Bonnier 2nd place

Category Junior 2010-2009 B

Maia Mihu 3rd place

Category Junior 2010-2009 C

Fredrika Palmgren 2nd place

Suzanne Mougenez 3rd place

Category Senior A

Amandine Simon 3rd place

Category Senior B

Taisiia Mykolaevska 1st place

Michelle Schaack 4th place


1st edition Chisinau Rhythmic Stars 2024

#Rythmogirls are back from Chisinau where they took part in the 1st edition of the Chisinau Rhythmic Stars international tournament organized by the Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics of the Republic of Moldova Federația de Gimnastică Ritmică din Republica Moldova on April 26-28. 250 participating gymnasts ensured the strong competition field where our girls had a chance to shine in all around and in every presented apparatus .

Elizaveta Iampolskaia, the former gymnast of our sports club who represented the Republic of Moldova on the highest international level in 2017-2020, received the special recognition from the president of FGRM for her remarkable contribution to the development of rhythmic gymnastics in the Republic of Moldova. Congratulations !

Many thanks to the local organising committee for their warm welcome and personally Victoria Federiuc, the president of FGRM, for the warmest welcome, friendly atmosphere and fair play!

Dear #rythmoteam, your continuous support and drive to the new achievements means a lot for the girls and serves them as true motivation to always move forward, thank you!

Let’s celebrate the success before moving to the next objectives!

Category 2015 A

Daria Ananyeva

All around 2nd place

Hoop 2nd place

Clubs 1st place

Category 2013 A

Valeriia Kolesnikova

All around 1st place

Hoop 1st place

Clubs 1st place

Category 2012 A

Alexandra Simon

All around 2nd place

Hoop 2nd place

Clubs 1st place

Category 2012 B

Elisa Simon

All around 1st place

Hoop 1st place

Clubs 2nd place

Category 2011 A

Paris Graas

All around 1st place

Hoop 1st place

Ball 1st place

Clubs 1st place

Ribbon 1st place

Category 2010 B

Angelina Bonnier

All around 1st place

Ball 1st place

Clubs 1st place

Maia Mihu

All Around 4th place

Ball 3rd place

Clubs 2nd place

Senior A

Amandine Simon

All around 8th place

Hoop 12th place

Ball 7th place

Clubs 6th place

Ribbon 7th place


2nd Forza Cup 2024


The weekend of April 5-6 a small delegation of #rythmogirls visited the beautiful city of Ghent in Flanders (Belgium), where the 2nd edition of Forza Cup by Forza Ritmica took place. This 3rd biggest city of Belgium with a medieval spirit and particularly magical atmosphere welcomed some two hundred gymnasts from various European countries. The venue of the competition was Arena Van Vletingen, a 19th century building, it formerly hosted the horse riding school and later on, upon disappearance of cavalry, the building was transformed into the goods warehouse. The new life to this historical venue was given with the restoration and interior redesign in the middle of 1990s. Now this building serves as the training facility for the local rhythmic gymnastics association and the venue for the international RG competition.

We would like to thank the local organizing committee for their warm reception and smooth organization of the event !

We extend our gratitude to coaches of the gymnasts, Nina Kolesnikova & Ekaterina Kalinina, as well as to Alyona and Irina providing support to the girls over the weekend.

These vivid images are courtesy of Muzychenko Maria

Category 2015 A

Daria Anayeva

All around 2nd place

Without apparatus 1st place

Hoop 2nd place

Category 2014 B

Mariia Fomenko

All around 1st place

Without apparatus 1st place

Clubs 1st place

Junior B

Maia Mihu

All Around 9th place

Hoop 3rd place

Ball 5th place

Clubs 9th place

Senior B

Michelle Schaack

All Around 8th place

Hoop 3rd place

Ball 5th place

Clubs 11th place


Friendship Cup 2024


The weekend of March 30-31 #rythmogirls participated in the international tournament #FriendshipCup 2024, organised by @ritmica_rg_club.

This high scale event united under the roof of Meent Sportshall over 350 participants coming from all over the world.

Our national hopes team performed ahead of their categories due to the departure to the intensive sports camp Sunday morning.

We thank the local organising committee for their warm welcome and congratulate the participants with achievements!

Our gratitude goes to the #rythmoteam for the never ending innovation and continuous support:

Category 2015 A

Elizaveta Volkova

All around 5th place

Hoop 2nd place

Ball 2nd place

Category 2014 B

Mariia Fomenko

All around 6th place

Without hands 8th place

Hoop 3rd place

Category 2013 A

Valeriia Kolesnikova

All around 2nd place

Hoop 1st place

Ball 3rd place

Category 2012 A

Alexandra Simon

All around 9th place

Hoop 4th place

Clubs 5th place

Category 2012 B

Elisa Simon

All around 5th place

Hoop 2nd place

Clubs 6th place

Category 2011 A

Paris Graas

All around 2nd place

Hoop 3rd place

Clubs 1st place

Junior B

Angelina Bonnier

All around 1st place

Ball 1st place

Clubs 1st place

Maia Mihu

All Around 2nd place

Hoop 1st place

Clubs 5th place

Senior A

Amandine Simon

All Around 9th place

Hoop 17th place

Ball 4th place

Clubs 4th place

Senior B

Taisiia Mykolaievska

All Around 2nd place

Ball 2nd place

Clubs 1st place

Michelle Schaack

All Around 4th place

Ball 3rd place

Clubs 3rd place


2nd Happy Spring Cup 2024


2nd Happy Spring Cup by Happy Gym Woluwe

The weekend of March 23-24 the gymnasts from our #nationalhopes competition group took part in the second edition of #HappySpringCup. This international competition united a strong field of gymnasts from 15 countries. We congratulate the girls for their achievements! Many thanks to Nina Kolesnikova and Yulia Mikhaylova for their continuous support and dedication.

Category Mini Gold (2014-2015)

Elizaveta Volkova (2015)

All around 6th place

Hoop 9th place

Ball 2nd place

Daria Ananyeva (2015)

All around 7th place

Hoop 5th place

Clubs 2nd place

Category Hope Gold (2012-2013)

Valeriia Kolesnikova (2013)

All around 2nd place

Hoop 4th place

Clubs 1st place

Daria Nenkova (2012)

All around 4th place

Ball 2nd place

Clubs 4th place

Elisa Simon (2012)

All around 6th place

Hoop 3rd place

Clubs 5th place

Category Pre-junior Gold (2011)

Paris Graas

All around 2nd place

Hoop 2nd place

Ball 2nd place

Clubs 3rd place

Category Junior Silver

Angelina Bonnier

All around 5th place

Ball 4th place

Ribbon 1st place

Category Senior Gold

Amandine Simon

All around 6th place

Hoop 6th place

Ball 6th place

Clubs 3rd place

Photo credit Muzychenko Maria


Greater Region & BeNeLux Cup 2024

The weekend of March 16-17 was a pure celebration of beautiful sports and friendship in Munsbach! #RythmicaLux with the support of #Rythmocats and #DolfinGym gathered 200 young gymnasts from various corners of the world who spoilt the judges and spectators with the powerful presentations in rhythmic gymnastics individual program, group exercises and, for the 3rd time the aesthetic gymnastics in groups! The rising stars from Kuwait and Mexico , Moldova , Poland and Serbia , and of course, the closer neighbors from Germany , France and Switzerland charmed the #BeneluxCup public big times. We wholeheartedly thank all the participants for delivering great performances, the judges for their commitment throughout both days and the entire team of volunteers for helping us make this even a true festivity for the children!

Special thanks to the president of the Luxembourg Federation of Aesthetic Gymnastics in Group (LFAGG) Jean Putz for honoring the athletes during the awards ceremony of the AGG competition.

Now lets have a look at the results by athlete and by apparatus and congratulate the girls and their coaches for reaching this encouraging milestone, there are many to go till the end of the season!

Kids 2015 A

Volkova Elizaveta

WA 1st place Hoop 3rd place Ball 3rd place

Ananyeva Daria

WA 3rd place Hoop 2nd place Clubs 1st place

Kids 2014 B

Fomenko Mariia

WA 1st place Hoop 1st place Clubs 1st place

Pre-Junior 2013 A

Kolesnikova Valeriia

WA 1st place Hoop 1st place Ball 1st place Clubs 1st place

Pre-Junior 2012 A

Nenkova Daria

Hoop 2nd place Ball 8th place Clubs 5th place Ribbon 5th place

Pre-Junior 2012 B

Simon Elisa

Hoop 1st place Ball 2nd place Clubs 1st place

Pre-Junior 2011 A

Graas Paris

Hoop 1st place Ball 1st place Clubs 1st place Ribbon 1st place

Junior A

Bonnier Angelina

Ball 7th place Clubs 3rd place Ribbon 5th place

Junior B

Mihu Maia

Hoop 2nd place Ball 2nd place Clubs 3rd place

Senior A

Simon Amandine

Hoop 2nd place Ball 2nd place Clubs 2nd place Ribbon 3rd place

Senior B

Schaack Michelle

Hoop 1st place Ball 1st place Clubs 3rd place

Mykolaievska Taisiia

Hoop 2nd place Ball 3rd place Clubs 2nd place

Mini 2016 C WA

Lambert Nila 1st place

Reng Anna 2nd place

Romaniuk Stefaniia 3rd place

Kids 2015 C

Stamirowska Amelia WA 4th place

Tolmaci Victoria WA 6th place

Kids 2014 C

Kallaert Emilie WA 1st place

Berkhoff Julia Hoop 2nd place

Reng Amelie WA 3rd place

Pre-Junior 2013 C

De Backer Isa Ball 2nd place

Scharre Julia WA 1st place

Teho Alisa Hoop 4th place

Glowka Laura WA 2nd place

Pre-Junior 2012 C

Toussaint Eva Ball 3rd place

Schaefer Laura Ball 5th place

Pashko Kyra Hoop 4th place

Kozlova Eliza Ball 7th place

Junior C

Starikova Karina Ball 4th place

Group Espoirs 2013-2011 (De Backer Isa, Scharre Julia, Kozlova Eliza, Toussaint Eva, Schaefer Laura) 3rd place 🥉 


Dusseldorf City Cup 2024

Happy to share with you the results from Düsseldorf City Cup tournament that took place on March, 2.

Child 9 I 2015

Ananyeva Daria All-around 1st place (WA 1st place )

Volkova Elizaveta All-around 2nd place (WA 2nd place )

Pre-Junior 11A 2013

Kolesnikova Valeriia All-around 1st place (Hoop 1st place , ball 1st place )

Pre-junior 12 A 2012

Simon Elisa All-around 5th place (Hoop 2nd place , ball 4th place )

Simon Alexandra All-around 6th place (Hoop 3rd place , ribbon 1st place )

Nenkova Daria All-around 15th place (Hoop 6th place , ribbon 3rd place )

Junior 13 A 2011

Graas Paris All-around 2nd place (Hoop 2nd place , ribbon 1st place )

Junior 14 B 2010

Bonnier Angelina All-around 3rd place

Senior A I 2008 and older

Simon Amandine All-around 7th place (Hoop 3rd place , ribbon 4th place )


XXVIII Gracia Kupa 2024

#Rythmoteam is back from Budapest, where the team took part in the XXVIII Gracia Kupa international competition hosting around 500 participants from all around the world. Such a large-scale event requires particular concentration, ability to cope with the pressure and a tight schedule.

#Rythmoteam was represented by the national hopes group under the leadership of main coach Nina Kolesnikova and the president of Rythmo-Cats Luxembourg Aliona Iampolskaia. Ioulia Bonnier represented the team as the judge.

We congratulate the participants with this achievement and thank the Rythmo-Cats Luxembourg and Rythmica Lux Schuttrange teams for the thorough preparation and continuous support of the girls.

Category 2013 A

Valeriia Kolesnikova

All around 2nd place

Hoop 2nd place

Clubs 1st place

Category 2012 A

Alexandra Simon

All around 6th place

Hoop 5th place

Clubs 3rd place

Daria Nenkova

All around 11th place

Hoop 4th place

Clubs 9th place

Elisa Simon

All around 15th place

Hoop 7th place

Ball 13th place

Category 2011 A

Paris Graas

All around 5th place

Ball 2nd place

Clubs 9th place

Category Junior B

Angelina Bonnier

All around 2nd place

Ball 7th place

Clubs 1st place

Category Senior FIG

Amandine Simon

All around 35th place


Treveris Cup 2024

2015 A All-around
Daria Ananyeva 1st place 🥇 (WA 1st place 🥇, Hoop 1st place 🥇, Clubs 1st place 🥇)

Senior B All-around
Taisiia Mykolaievska 2nd place  🥈 (Ball 2nd place 🥈, Clubs 2nd place 🥈)
Michelle Schaack 3rd place 🥉 (Ball 1st place 🥇, Clubs 3rd place 🥉) Miss Sympathy



FIG and children international LUXGR CUP 10-11/02/2024

2013 A All-around
Kolesnikova Valeriia 1st place 🥇 (Hoop 1st place 🥇, clubs 1st place 🥇)
2012 B All-around
Simon Elisa 1st place 🥇 (Hoop 1st place 🥇, ball 1st place 🥇)
2012 A All-around
Simon Alexandra 2nd place 🥈 (Hoop 1st place 🥇, clubs 2nd place 🥈)
Nenkova Daria 4th place 🏅 (Hoop 2nd place 🥈, clubs 3rd place 🥉)
2011 A All-around
Graas Paris 1st place 🥇 (Ball 1st place 🥇, clubs 1st place 🥇)
Junior B 2010-2009 All-around
Bonnier Angelina 1st place 🥇 (Ball 1st place 🥇, clubs 1st place 🥇)
Senior FIG 2010-2009 All-around
Simon Amandine 11th place 🏅 (Hoop 12th place 🏅, ball 8th place 🏅, clubs 11th place 🏅, ribbon 10th place 🏅)


Frisange Winter Cup 2024

2016 C WA
Lambert Nila 9th place🏅

2015 A All-around
Ananyeva Daria 1st place🥇 (Hoop and clubs 1st place 🥇)
Volkova Elizaveta 5th place 🏅 (Hoop 4th place 🏅, ball 5th place 🏅)

2015 C WA
Stamirowska Amelia 10th place 🏅
Lucero Alejandra 11th place 🏅

2014 B All-around
Fomenko Mariia 10th place 🏅 (Hoop 2nd place 🥈, clubs 7th place 🏅)

2014 C All-around
Berkhoff Julia 5th place 🏅 (Hoop 1st place 🥇)

2013 A All-around
Kolesnikova Valeriia 1st place 🥇 (Ball 2nd place 🥈, clubs 1st place 🥇)

2013 C All-around
De Backer Isa 5th place 🏅 (Ball 3rd place 🥉)
Teho Alisa 6th place 🏅 (Hoop 1st place 🥇)
Gudmundsdottir Adele 9th place 🏅 (Hoop 3rd place🥉)

2012 A All-around
Simon Alexandra 7th place 🏅 (Ball 7th place 🏅, clubs 6th place 🏅)
Nenkova Daria 9th place 🏅 (Hoop 1st place 🥇, ball 11th place 🏅)

2012 B All-around
Simon Elisa 6th place 🏅 (Hoop 5th place 🏅, clubs 4th place 🏅)

2012 C All-around
Schaefer Laura 4th place 🏅 (Ball 2nd place 🥈)
Kozlova Eliza 6th place 🏅 (Ball 4th place 🏅)
Toussaint Eva 7th place 🏅 (Ball 5th place 🏅)
Berkhoff Elisa 9th place 🏅 (Ball 6th place 🏅)
Grudnitckaia Valeriia 10th place 🏅 (Hoop 2nd place 🥈)

2011 A All-around
Graas Paris 2nd place 🥈 (Hoop 2nd place 🥈, clubs 1st place 🥇)

2011 C All-around
Jesus Anais 8th place 🏅 (Ball 5th place 🏅)

Juniors 2010 B All-around
Mihu Maia 4th place 🏅 (Hoop 1st place 🥇, clubs 5th place 🏅)
Bonnier Angelina 5th place 🏅 (Ball 4th place 🏅, clubs 4th place 🏅) 

Juniors C All-around
Mougenez Suzanne 7th place 🏅 (Ball 2nd place 🥈)
Pcola Zoya 11th place 🏅 (Hoop 2nd place 🥈)
Starikova Karina 12th place 🏅 (Ball 3rd place 🥉)
Palmgren Fredrika 13th place 🏅 (Hoop 3rd place 🥉)
Dretta Alexandra 15th place 🏅 (Ball 5th place 🏅)

Seniors A All-around
Simon Amandine 9th place 🏅 (Ball 6th place 🏅, clubs 1st place 🥇)

Seniors B All-around
Mykolaievska Taisiia 5th place 🏅 (Hoop 7th place 🏅, clubs 5th place 🏅)
Schaack Michelle 8th place 🏅 (Hoop 3rd place 🥉, ball 2nd place 🥈)


Elegance Cup 2024

Part 1 results

2015 A

Elizaveta Volkova

All around 1st place

Without apparatus 1st place

Ball 2nd place

2013 A

Valeriia Kolesnikova

All around 1st place

Without apparatus 1st place

Clubs 1st place

2012 A

Alexandra Simon

All around 1st place

Hoop 1st place

Clubs 1st place

Daria Nenkova

All around 3rd place

Hoop 2nd place

Clubs 2nd place

Part 2 results
2012 B
Elisa Simon
All around 2nd place

Hoop 1st place
Ball 2nd place

Junior B
Angelina Bonnier
All around 6th place
Ball 2nd place

Clubs 1st place
Senior A
Amandine Simon

All around 17th place

Hoop 10th place

Ball 20th place
Clubs 16th place
Ribbon 21st place


Cosny Cup - 1st edition 2024

Greetings from Cosnes-et-Romain

1st edition of Cosny Cup by @gr_cosnesetromain

Results of day 1

2016 C

Nila Lambert

All around 5th place

2014 B

Mariia Fonenko

All around 1st place

Without apparatus 1st place

Hoop 2nd place

2013 C

Isa De Backer

All around 15th place

Results of day 2 of the 1st edition of Cosny Cup

Category 2015 A

Daria Ananyeva

All around 1st place

Without apparatus 1st place

Hoop 1st place

Category 2014 D all around result

Emilie Kallaert, 4th place

Category 2013 D all around result

Julia Scharre 5th place

Category 2012 C all around result

Laura Schaefer 9th place

Eliza Kozlova 11th place

Eva Toussaint 15th place

Category 2010 B

Maia Mihu

All around 2nd place

Hoop 3rd place

Ball 1st place

Many thanks to the team of @gr_cosnesetromain for the warm welcome and smooth running of the event as well as to the team of coaches and judges who accompanied the girls during both days


Fairytale Cup 2023

When fairytales become a reality #FairytaleCup results of our gymnasts.

Category 2015 A

Elizaveta Volkova

All around 1st place

Without apparatus 1st place

Ball 2nd place

Category 2015 B

Daria Ananyeva

All around 1st place

Category 2014 B

Mariia Fomenko

All around 1st place

Category 2013 A

Valeriia Kolesnikova

All around 1st place

Hoop 1st place

Ball 1st place

Category 2012 A

Alexandra Simon

All around 2nd place

Ball 3rd place

Clubs 1st place

Category 2012 B

Daria Nenkova

All around 1st place

Elisa Simon

All around 2nd place

Lina Missenard

All around 6th place

Category 2011 A

Paris Graas

All around 1st place

Hoop 1st place

Ball 1st place

Category Junior (2010-2008) A

Angelina Bonnier

All around 7th place

Hoop 5th place

Ball 7th place

Clubs 6th place

Category Junior (2010-2008) B

Maia Mihu

All around 1st place

Category Senior A

Amandine Simon

All around 2nd place

Hoop 1st place

Ball 3rd place

Ribbon 2nd place

Category Senior B

Taisiia Mykolaievska

All around 2nd place

Michelle Schaack

All around 4th place

Coaches Nina Kolesnikova Ekaterina Kalinina

Category C

2016 Lambert Nila 2nd place

2014 Berkhoff Julia 4th place


De Backer Isa 1st place

Scharre Julia 5th place

Gudmundsdottir Adele 7th place

Teho Alisa 8th place

Lucero Carlota 9th place


Schaefer Laura 4th place

Pashko Kyra 8th place

Grudnitckaia Valeriia 9th place

Berkhoff Elisa 10th place

Toussaint Eva 11th place

Kozlova Eliza 12th place

Rahmanian Yana 15th place


Jesus Anaïs 5th place

Pashko Varvara 7th place

Less Sofia 8th place


Mougenez Suzanne 5th place

Pcola Zoya 9th place

Palmgren Frederika 10th place

Starikova Karina 11th place

Category D

2016 Reng Anna 1st place


Lucero Alejandra 1st place

Stamirowska Amelia 2nd place


Glowka Laura 3rd place

Reng Amelie 4th place

photo credit Muzychenko Maria

Many thanks to Ioulia Bonnier, president of #RythmicaLux, (vice-president of LFAGG, main judge of the event), Serge Eichen (échevin de la commune de Schuttrange), Alia Garaeva (retired rhythmic gymnast, multi time medalist of European and Woorld Championships, olympian) & Elizaveta Iampolskaia (director of the competition, national champion of Luxembourg and Moldova, participant of the European and World Championships)


5th edition of Winter Cup Leverkusen 2023

Two intense days of 5th edition of Wintercup by TSV Bayer Leverkusen came to an end. #Rythmogirls returned home full of impressions and charged with motivation to continue working hard. This was a true celebration of our beautiful sports, rhythmic gymnastics! Impeccable organisation, perfect timing of competition, experienced pull of judges and 300 strong competitors from some twenty countries - that’s the recipe of a truly exceptional and memorable event! Along with performances of our European neighbours we enjoyed the athletes from further away locations such as Argentina, Kyrgyzstan, Taiwan, Georgia and USA. The special guest of honour, Fanni Pigniczki, enchanted the participants with her bronze winning hoop routine and beautiful gala dance. More magic on the carpet was added by national team members of their respective countries, Anna Shenenko (Germany) and Eugenia Angelin (Argentina) as well as from the hosting athletes. Each moment of the event was particular and memorable

We were happy to share these moments thanks to the support of our coaching team, Nina Kolesnikova and Ekaterina Kalinina, as well as judges, Ioulia Bonnier and Irina Shchepakina.

Wintercup day 1

Category 2015 Gold

Elizaveta Volkova

All around 3rd place

Without apparatus 1st place

Ball 3rd place

Category pre-juniors 2012/2011 Silver

Elisa Simon

All around 11th place

Category children 2013 Gold

Valeriia Kolesnikova

All around 1st place

Without apparatus 1st place

Hoop 1st place

Children 2014 Silver

Mariia Fomenko

All around 4th place

Juniors 2010/2009/2008 Silver

Angelina Bonnier

All around 12th place

Seniors Silver

Michelle Schaack

All around 5th place

Day 2 results

Pre-junior 2012 Gold

Daria Nenkova

All around 14th place

Hoop 3rd place

Ball 16th place

Alexandra Simon

All around 17th place

Ball 18th place

Clubs 13th place

Pre-junior 2011 Gold

Paris Graas

All around 4th place

Hoop 1st place

Clubs 4th place

Senior 2008 Gold

Amandine Simon

All around 10th place

Ball 4th place

Clubs 10th place


Guimagym Cup 2023

On Sunday evening we welcomed back our #Rythmogirls from sunny Portugal , where together with the main coach Nina Kolesnikova the gymnasts demonstrated their progress in the strong field of international competitors from some twenty countries from around the world. The format of the competition provided to each gymnasts an opportunity to fight for podiums for each presented apparatus, whereas FIG gymnasts competed in all around and for a qualification for finals by apparatus. It is also important to consider that the organizers imposed the limitations on evaluated difficulty in younger age categories in the technical program to the competition.

We are proud of the team for demonstrating consistent performance and congratulate the athletes, the coaching team as well as the delegated judge Ioulia Bonnier for this achievement.

Many thanks to the GUIMAGYM team for impeccable organisation.

Elizaveta Volkova 2015

Without apparatus 1st place

Mariia Fomenko 2014

Without apparatus 4th place

Hoop 1st place

Valeriia Kolesnikova 2013

Without apparatus 4th place

Hoop 2nd place

Daria Nenkova, pre-junior 2012

Hoop 4th place

Ball 4th place

Paris Graas, pre-junior 2011

Hoop 4th place

Ball 2nd place

Clubs 4th place


Angelina Bonnier

Hoop 10th place

Ball 10th place

Clubs 12th place

Maia Mihu

Hoop 15th place

Ball 11th place

Clubs 14th place


6th edition of Austrasian Cup 2023

The last weekend of October was rich with events! While one part of our team was in Amsterdam, the other participated in the 6th edition of Austrasian Cup, organised by Atgrs Thionville, where gymnasts from neighbouring countries took part

All around results

Category 2015 A

Daria Ananyeva 1st place

Category 2014 B

Mariia Fomenko 2nd place

Category 2012 A

Daria Nenkova 1st place

Elisa Simon 2nd place

Category 2012 B

Lina Missenard 3rd place

Category 2012 C

Valeriia Grudnitckaia 4th place

Junior non-FIG

Maia Mihu 2nd place

Suzanne Mougenez 7th place

Fredrika Palmgren 8th place

non-FIG senior

Michelle Schaack 2nd place

Taisiia Mykolaievska 4th place

We congratulate the Rythmo-Cats with their achievements and thank the team who assured the support throughout the day behind the curtain Ekaterina Kalinina, Aryna Mykolaievska, Alona Bondareva and at the judging table Hristina Nenkova & Irina Shchepakina .

Many thanks to to the organising committee for friendly atmosphere.


12th edition of AmsterdaMMasters 2023


12th edition of AmsterdaMMasters is done. Athlets from pre-juniors to seniors from nine countries gathered in Amsterdam for 3 days to demonstrate their skills. Each category performed with two exercises per day with the appartus finals for junior and senior categories planed for Sunday. We are pleased to share the accomplishments of the team and would like to thank our coach Nina Kolesnikova and judge Ioulia Bonnier for their incredible support throughout these intense days.

Category pre-juniors (2013-2011)

All around (hoop & ball)

Paris Graas (2011) 1st place (1st result with each apparatus)

Valeriia Kolesnikova (2013) 2nd place (2nd result with each apparatus)

Alexandra Simon (2012) 8th place (3rd result with hoop and 9th with ball)

All around (clubs & ribbon/without apparatus)

Paris Graas (2011) 1st place (1st result with each apparatus)

Valeriia Kolesnikova (2013) 2nd place (1st with free hands routine & 3rd with clubs)

Alexandra Simon (2012) 4th place (2nd result with clubs and 3rd with ribbon)

Junior all around

Amandine Simone 5th place

Angelina Bonnier 11th place

Our juniors also qualified for appratus finals.

Finals for junior category


Amandine Simone 3rd place

Angelina Bonnier 6th place


Amandine Simone 4th place


Amandine Simone 4th place

Angelina Bonnier 7th place


Amandine Simone 4th place

Well done girls!

These amazing moments are captured by of Bart Treuren


7th edition of AURA Cup 2023

During last weekend our team participated in the 7th edition of the Aura Cup (Zagreb ), FIG and non FIG international tournament that united over 300 participants from all around the world. The event took place over three consecutive days in a warm and friendly atmosphere, thanks to the incredible organiation by local organizing commitee of GK Aura club.

We congratulate our gymnasts on taking up the challenge and express our gratitude to the #rythmoteam ensuring the support behind the scene.

Nina Kolesnikova

Ekaterina Kalinina

Kadet A 2013

Valeriia Kolesnikova

1st place in all round

2nd place with free hands routine

1st place with the apparatus

Pre-junior A 2011-2012

Paris Graas (2011)

3rd place in all around

5th place for hoop

3d place for the 2nd apparatus

Alexandra Simon (2012)

6th place in all around

4th place with hoop

12th place with 2nd apparatus

Daria Nenkova (2012)

17th place in all around

16th place with hoop

19th place with 2nd apparatus

Pre-junior B 2012

Elisa Simon

1st place in all around

Junior FIG

Amandine Simone 27th place in all around

Junior B

Maia Mihu

6th place in all around

6th place with hoop

8th place with the 2nd apparatus

Joyce Ferritier

13th place in all around

16th place with hoop

14th place with the 2nd apparatus

Taisiia Mykolaievska

16th place in all around

23d place with hoop

7th place with the 2nd apparatus

Senior B

Michelle Schaack

4th place in all around

4th place with hoop

4th place with the 2nd apparatus


Favorit Cup 2023

#Rythmocats team is back from Maribor, Slovenia, where it participated to Favourit Cup.

Congratulations to the girls and the entire team

Nina Kolesnikova

Ekaterina Kalinina

Hristina Stoimenova-Nenkova

Category Girls 2014 A

Fomenko Mariia

Without apparatus 2nd place

Hoop 2nd place

Category Girls 2013 A

Kolesnikova Valeriia

Ball 2nd place

Clubs 1st place

Category Girls 2012 A


Simon Alexandra 2nd place

Simon Elisa 3rd place

Nenkova Daria 3rd place


Simon Elisa 3rd place

Simon Alexandra 3rd place

Nenkova Daria 4th place

Category Girls 2012 A

Graas Paris

Ball 3rd place

Clubs 2nd place

Juniors I 2010 A

Mihu Maia

Hoop 7th place

Ball 3rd place

Juniors II 2008 A

Simon Amandine

Ball 3rd place

Ribbon 2nd place


San Marino Cup 2023

The weekend 10-11/09/2023 the Federazione Sammerinese Ginnastica hosted the 10th edition of the international RG competition San Marino Cup, where Luxembourg was represented by the Rythmocats delegation along with 200 gymnasts from a variety of countries. Not only was our team charmed by the uniqueness of San Marino, but was also appreciative of the impeccably organized event.

We would like to congratulate the girls for a great start to the season and thank both Aliona Iampolskaia & Nina Kolesnikova for their investment into the preparation as well as undivided support throughout the competition.

Category baby A

Mariia Fomenko

All around 5th place

Without apparatus 2nd place

Ball 5th place

Category children B

Elisa Simon

All around 9th place

Ball 2nd place

Clubs 4th place

Category children A

Valeriia Kolesnikova

All around 2nd place

Without apparatus 1st place

Hoop 1st place

Alexandra Simon

All around 6th place

Hoop 2nd place

Clubs 6th place

Category pre-junior A

Paris Graas

All around 2nd place

Hoop 2nd place

Ball 3rd place

Category Senior A

Amandine Simon

All around 26th place

Hoop 22nd place

Clubs 7th place


Victory Cup 2023 Bulgaria

The intensive sports camp in Varna slowly comes to an end. In one of the final days our #rythmogirls participated in the international competition “Victory Cup” alongside the athletes from Bulgaria , Cyprus , Germany , Israel , Latvia , Moldova and Russia .

This was a great opportunity to launch oneself into competitive mode and our girls made us proud having earned podium places in their respective categories

Valeria Kolesnikova 2013

Alexandra Simon 2012

Elisa Simon 2012

Paris Grass

Emilia Stasane

Maia Mihu

Amandine Simon

Congratulations to the girls and our coaching team!


III International Grand Premium 2023

5 of this amazing and challenging event @grand_premium_platja.

Maia Mihu, category junior B (2010-2008) presented three routines and finished 11th in all around out 30 competitors!

Her result was 10th with hoop, 14th with hall and 9th with clubs.

Let’s send the girls our


and lots of love to our coaches and judges for the constant perfection and support throughout the years

Алёна Ямпольская Ревенко

Nina Kolesnikova

Ekaterina Kalinina

Liza Iampolskaia

Amel Kadri


III International Grand Premium 2023

Are you curious to know the results of day 3 in Platja d’Aro @grand_premium_platja ?

Three of our athletes performed yesterday and we are proud to share with you their accomplishments

Paris GRAAS, category 2011 A, dominated the field with nearly 10 points ahead of the following contestant in all around , she performed with hoop, ball and clubs. The @grand_premium_platja organising committee awarded her the title of Miss Tournament! Bravo, Paris

Our juniors 2010 B were also appreciated by the jury in their respective category

Joyce Ferriter

All around 5th place

Hoop 5th place

Ball 3rd place

Lara Kampe

All around 12th place

Hoop 11th place

Ball 5th place

Lara was crowned as Miss Grace


to the gymnasts, their coaches Nina Kolesnikova Ekaterina Kalinina and judge Elizaveta Iampolskaia

We are sending good vibes to the girls presenting their routines today


III International Grand Premium 2023

Our team is now in closing this season at 3rd edition of international RG competition Grand Premium @grand_premium_platja . This year it is a one week event uniting in sunny Platja d’Aro nearly participants from countries

We are pleased to share with you the results after day 1 and day 2, during which our youngest members of delegation presented their routines to the jury and public along with many other contestants in each category.

Mariia Fomenko 2014 B

All around 8th place

Without apparatus 7th place

Hoop 5th place

Valeriia Kolesnikova 2013 A

All around 1st place

Hoop 1st place

Clubs 1st place

Thank you, Nina @nina__kolesnikova_ and Liza @liza_iampolskaia for accompanying the girls during this event 🩷

Today we support our pre-junior and juniors let’s wish them luck


Les championnats nationaux en GR 2023

Le weekend passé les championnats nationaux en GR sous le patronage de la FLGym ont eu lieu à Frisange, c’est Aspelt Gym Academy qui a accueilli les gymnastes luxembourgeoises sous le toit de Centre Sportif Romain Schneider.

C’est la première année quand les championnats nationaux ont été séparés en trois concours distincts:

- championnat national en GR individuel (catégories A et

- championnat national en GR ensemble

- Championnat d’encouragement (catégories C et D)

Le but étant de promouvoir et valoriser les athlètes qui se dévouent à cette discipline sportive au moins 20 heures par semaine et au même temps donner une chance équivoque de présenter ces programmes à celles qui fréquentent les entrainements moins mais néanmoins admirent la gymnastique rythmique.

Le championnat national a réuni 66 athlètes représentants 5 clubs luxembourgeois. L'équipe de Rythmo-cats a présenté 16 gymnastes qui ont assuré la dominance dans leurs catégories d’âge respectives. Au total, elles ont obtenu 7 médailles d’or, 2 médailles d’argent et 1 bronze! Nous sommes très fiers de partager avec vous ces résultats remarquables bien mérité.

Nous remercions de tout cœur nos coaches et nos juges qui ont préparé et entrainé nos gymnastes et leurs accompagné durant ces deux jours éprouvants.

Category 2015 A

Daria Ananyeva 1st place

Category 2013 A

Valeria Kolesnikova 1st place

Category 2012 A

Alexandra Simon 1st place

Daria Nenkova 4th place

Category 2011 A

Paris Graas 1st place

Juniors A (2010-2008)

Amandine Simon 5th place

Category 2015 B

Elizaveta Volkova 1st place

Category 2014 B

Mariia Fomenko 2nd place

Category 2013 B

Isa De Backer 6th place

Category 2012 B

Elisa Simon 1st place

Lina Missenard 3rd place

Juniors B (2010-2008)

Angelina Bonnier 1st place

Maia Mihu 2nd place

Taisiia Mykolayevska 6th place

Seniors B

Michelle Schaack 1st place

Les coaches:

Amel Kadri

Ekaterina Kalinina

Nina Kolesnikova

Yana Romaniyuk

Eva Sguera

Les juges:

Amel Kadri

Ekaterina Kalinina

Aliona Revenko

Hristina Nenkova

Irina Shchepakina

La saison n’est pas encore clôturée mais déjà maintenant nous regardons dans le futur avec optimisme et nous nous donnons les nouveaux objectifs à atteindre dans la saison à venir.

Nous vous invitons à nous joindre et célébrer cet achèvement magnifique !


Championnats d’encouragement 2023

Benjamines 2017 C

Haarsma Elisabeth 1st place

Minimes 2013 C

De Reggi Emma 5th place

Espoirs 2012 C

Berkhoff Elisa 4th place

Juniors 2010-2008 C

Pcola Zoya 7th place

Benjamines 2016 D

Reng Anna 1st place

Gunkova Evdokiia 2nd place

Lambert Nila 3rd place

Benjamines 2015 D

Lucero Alejandra 5th place

Minimes 2014 D

Berkhoff Julia 1st place

Kallaert Emilia 4th place

Minimes 2013 D

Scharre Julia 1st place

Gudmundsdottir Adele 3rd place

Lucero Carlota 4th place

Espoirs 2012 D

Grudnitckaia Valeriia 1st place

Kozlova Eliza 3rd place

Toussaint Eva 4th place

Espoirs 2011 D

Nefedova Veronica 8th place

Juniors 2010-2008 D

Palmgren Fredrika 3rd place

Mougenez Suzanne 7th place

Totomanova Magdalena 11th place


City Cup 2023


14th Düsseldorf City Cup

Category 2015

Daria Ananyeva 1st place

Elizaveta Volkova 2nd place

Category 2014

Mariia Fomenko 4th place

Category 2013

Valeria Kolesnikova 1st place

Isa De Backer 9th place

Category 2012 B

Elisa Simon 5th place

Lina Missenard 6th place

Category 2012 A

Alexandra Simon 2nd place

Daria Nenkova 3d place

Juniors B 2010

Maia Mihu 3rd place

Joyce Ferriter 5th place

Angelina Bonnier 6th place

Juniors B 2008

Taisiia Mykolayevska 4th place

Juniors A 2010

Emilia Stasane 1st place

Juniors A 2008

Amandine Simon 7th place

Seniors B

Michelle Schaack 6th place


Grand Duchy Cup 2023


Last weekend Luxembourg RG club Aspelt Gym Academy organised international competition Grand Duchy Cup where our gymnasts took part as preparation for the upcoming national championship and we are pleased to share with you the results. Many thanks to to our team of coaches and judge who accompanied the girls throughout the weekend

2016 C

Reng Anna 9th place in total, 9th place WA

2015 A

Ananyeva Daria 1st place in total, 1st place WA, 1st place hoop

2015 B

Volkova Elizaveta 12th place total, 3rd place WA, 6th place hoop

2015 C

Lucero Alejandra 14th place total, 14th place WA

OOC Lucero Carlota, Gudmundsdottir Adele

2014 B

Fomenko Mariia 1st place total, 7th place WA, 1st place hoop

2014 C

Castelletta Sarah 6th place total, 6th place WA

Kallaert Emilie 9th place total, 9th place WA

Reng Amelie 13th place total, 13th place WA

2013 B

De Backer Isa 12th place total, 8th place hoop, 9th place ball

2013 C

De Reggi Emma 6th place toral, 3rd place hoop

2012 B

Missenard Lina 9th place total, 5th place hoop, 7th place ball

2012 C

Toussaint Eva 5th place total, 1st place hoop

Grudnitckaia Valeriia 6th place total, 2nd place hoop

Kozlova Eliza 7th place total, 3rd place hoop

2011 A

Graas Paris 1st place total, 1st place hoop, 1st place clubs

2011 C Nefedova Veronica 6th place total, 2nd place hoop

Junior B

Mihu Maia 5th place total, 3rd place hoop, 2nd place clubs

Junior C

Mougenez Suzanne 8th place total , 4th place ball

Totomanova Magdalena 10th place total, 5th place ball

Pcola Zoya 12th place total, 5th place clubs

Ferriter Joyce 1st place total, 1st place clubs

De Reggi Sara 11th place total, 6th place ball

Senior C
Eaton Victoria 1st place total, 1st place clubs


Last weekend our team spent in Rotterdam where we took part in #VictoryCup international RG competition where we competed with 200 athletes from all around the world.

We would like to thank the organising committee of for the nice atmosphere and smooth running of the event.

Our appreciation goes to the #rythmoteam of coaches and judges for preparing the gymnasts and accompanying them during the weekend.

Ekaterina, Nina, Amel we are sending love to you

Benjamins 2013/2014 A

Mariia Fomenko

All around 18th place

Without apparatus 17th place

Hoop 9th place

Pre-juniors 2012/2011 B

Elisa Simon

All around 7th place

Hoop 3rd place

Clubs 5th place

Daria Nenkova

All around 8th place

Hoop 5th place

Clubs 4th place

Pre-juniors 2012/2011 A

Paris Graas

All around 3rd place

Ball 1st place

Ribbon 1st place

Alexandra Simon

All around 6th place

Ball 9th place

Clubs 3rd place

Juniors B

Maia Mihu

All around 10th place

Hoop 7th place

Ball 7th place

Joyce Ferriter

All around 20th place

Hoop 10th place

Ball 12th place

Angelina Bonnier

All around 21st place

Hoop 12th place

Clubs 7th place

Juniors A

Amandine Simon

All around 10th place

Ball 7th place

Clubs 5th place

Seniors B

Michelle Schaack

All around 3rd place

Ball 2nd place

Clubs 2nd place

Victory Cup 2023



Last week Miramas, France was in the focus of the international community and fans of the Aesthetic Gymnastics in Groups. Indeed, 3 events were hosted by the local organizing committee AFCGE: AFCGE Cup Open I, IFAGG Challenge Cup I for junior category as well as IFAGG World Cup I for women category. Our junior team (Angelina Bonier, Taisiia Mykolaievska, Sania Nenkova, Michelle Schaack, Amandine Simon, Emilia Stasane) presented for the first time their free program in two events.

AFCGE Cup Open I united over 50 teams of various age categories from all over the world under the roof of Miramas stadium. In this competitive environment, Rythmo-cats team secured an amazing final 7th place after preliminaries and finals amongst 12 strong competitors representing Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Kazakhstan & Spain.

Encouraged and inspired by the extraordinary atmosphere of the elite level aesthetic gymnastics demonstrated by the competitors, the team showed consistent performance and succeeded to qualify for finals in the IFAGG Challenge Cup I and ranked 11th.

The powerful experience was completed by a master class with creative choreographer, dancer and gymnastics coach Antton Laine.

We are proud of the girls, their determined coach Nina Kolesnikova and the president of the club Aliona Iampolskaia who supported the team as international AGG judge. We are enormously grateful to incredible Saniya Glyzina and the AGG team Madonna for the inspiration and belief in us

Many thanks to the IFAGG and the national organizing committee AFCGE for the impeccable organization of both events.

Participation in these events was strongly supported byFédération Luxembourgeoise de Gymnastique Esthétique de Groupe.

IFAGG - International Federation of AGG

AFCGE France

Antton Laine





AFCGE Cup Open I et IFAGG Challenge Cup I 2023



3rd Kyolis Cup 2023



Our delegation is back fro Chambery where the 3rd education of Kyolis Cup took place. Our gymnasts presented their routines along with 220 other athletes from a dozen of European countries in the welcoming atmosphere created by the host, AEB Chambery.

Category 2012 B

Lina Missenard

8th place in all around

5th place for her exercise without apparatus

4th place with ball

Category 2011 A

Graas Paris

7th place in all around

4th place with ball

3rd place with for her exercise with clubs

5th place with ribbon

Paris received a special prize from the organising committee Miss Elegance .


Category 2010 B

Mihu Maia

2nd place in all around

2nd place with hoop

2nd place with ball

5th place with clubs

We congratulate the girls and thank our #rythmoteam Ekaterina Kalinina and Amel Kadri for the preparation and support throughout the entire weekend.

A small team from our club participated in the international competition Treveris Cup, organised by @rsgtrier. Along with other 130 participants from Luxembourg, Germany, Ukraine, USA and New Zealand, we’d like to thank RSG Trier for the warm welcome and impeccable organisation of the event. 

Here are the results of #rythmogirls

Junior C
Mougenez Suzanne 
3rd place 🥉 all around 
2nd place 🥈 for exercise with ball

Baturina Sofija 
2nd place 🥈 all around 
3rd place 🥉 for exercise with hoop 

Junior-start C
Palmgren Fredrika 
1st place 🥇🏆 all around 
1st place 🥇 for exercise with hoop 

Pre-Junior 2012 B
Missenard Lina 
5th place 🏅all around 
2nd place 🥈 for the exercise WA 
5th place 🏅for exercise with hoop

Pre-Junior 2012 C
Grudnitckaia Valeriia 
2nd place 🥈 all around 
1st place 🥇 for the exercise with hoop

Kids 2013 C
Scharre Julia 
1st place 🥇🏆 all around 

Mini 2015 B
Volkova Elizaveta 
1st place 🥇🏆all around 

Congratulations to the girls and the coaching team!


Treveris Cup 2023


Day 1 of #FriendshipCup 2023

Category 2012 B

Nenkova Daria

1st place without apparatus

2nd place with hoop

3rd place in all around

Lina Missenard

4th place without apparatus

4th place with hoop

4th place in all around

Elisa Simon

2nd place without apparatus

5th place with hoop

5th place in all around


Junior C

Joyce Ferriter

1st place with clubs

5th place in all around


Junior B 2010

Angelina Bonnier

5th place with hoop

4th place with clubs

6th place in all around

Maia Mihu

4th place with hoop

5th place with clubs

7th place in all around

Friendship Cup 2023


Day 2 of #FriendshipCup 2023 

Category 2014 A

Mariia Fomenko

2nd place for without apparatus

2nd place for hoop

3rd place in all around

Category 2012 A

Alexandra Simon

1st place with hoop

2nd place with clubs

1st place in all around


Category 2011 A

Paris Graas

1st place with hoop

1st place with clubs

1st place in all around


Category Junior 2008 A

Amandine Simon

5th place with hoop

8th place with ball

9th place with clubs

8th place in all around

Many thanks to the organisers for this nice event!


News from our team which spent the whole week
competing at International Grand Prix
"Miss Valentine" in Tartu, Estonia.

Day 3 of this beautiful event concluded all around competition for our pre-juniors with 8th place in all around for Paris Graas (2011) and her qualifying for both finals with hoop and ball.

Pre-juniors 2012

Alexandra Simon 29th

Elisa Simon 30th

Daria Nenkova 34th

Congratulations to the girls and good luck to Paris tomorrow morning.

We have one more apparatus finals at Miss Valentine Amandine will present her ball routine on Sunday. 

All around 2010

Angelina Bonnier 43rd

All around 2008

Amandine Simon 22nd
Final standings 

Paris Graas 2011

Hoop final 7th place

Ball final 7th place


Sending love to everyone on this sunny beautiful spring day remembering #MissValentine2023 and all the spectrum of impressions, emotions and experience it generously shared with us.

Senior 2007

All around

Sania Nenkova 32 place

Michelle Schaack 33 place

Hoop final

Sania Nenkova 8 place

We would like to express our gratitude to the team of gymnasts going through own to each of them thorny path, for being a great team and sticking together throughout a 5 day long event.

Gratitude to the team of parents, managing in the background challenges and complexities and being supportive.

Gratitude to two amazing women, Amel Kadri & Ioulia Bonnier, delegated by the club to accompany the gymnasts as coach and judge, for being there for the girls till the end. Thank you all!!!


Tartu Grand Prix "Miss Valentine" 2023


7 podiums at #frisangewintercup

We are pleased to share with you the #results from the last weekend, when our team, along with some three hundred athletes, participated in the international tournament hosted by Aspelt Gym Academy.

Rythmo-Cats Luxembourg

2015 A

Ananyeva Daria 2nd place

2015 B

Volkova Elizaveta 2nd place

2013 B

De Backer Isa 14th place

2013 C

De Reggi Emma 3rd place

Scharre Julia 7th place

2012 A

Simon Alexandra 3rd place

2012 B

Simon Elisa 3rd place

Nenkova Daria 5th place

Missenard Lina 11th place

2012 C

Toussaint Eva 7th place

Kozlova Eliza 9th place

Grudnitckaia Valeriia 12th place

2011 A

Graas Paris 3rd place

Junior A 2008

Simon Amandine 10th place

Junior B 2010

Mihu Maia 3rd place

Bonnier Angelina 4th place

Junior C

Pcola Zoya 7th place

Bua Sophie 16th place

Senior B

Schaack Michelle 6th place

Rythmica Lux Schuttrange

Junior A 2010

Stasane Emilia 7th place

Junior C

Kampe Lara 12nd place

Junior B 2010

Ferriter Joyce 8th place

Junior C

De Reggi Sara 15th place

Congratulations to all the girls and many thanks to the entire team who made this possible by daily dedication to coaching and those who ensured the support throughout the weekend @kalinina_kat3 @moushkin1 @sguerraeva
