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How to order RG equipment

October 31, 2018

Rythmo-cats works together with one of market leaders of rhythmic gymnastics equipment Pastorelli.

In this section you will find the instructions how to place an order for Pastorelli products.

To order Pastorelli equipment through Rythmo-Cats, follow the steps below:

1. Go to the Pastorelli website.

2. Browse through the Rhythmics section and add the items you want to the basket by clicking "Add to estimate"

3. After having added the last article to your basket, select and copy the list of products*

4. Paste list (not as image) into an e-mail and send it to a dedicated to this activity address

* do not click "Ask the estimate"

You will be charged the same prices as listed on the Pastorelli Sport website.

Delivery is free of charge.

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